How To Add Friends On Mozat: Chat with your Friends Now

Question: 'how can i add friends on mozat' To add friends on mozat,you
shld have mozat
on your phone,if you have not done so, see here for it You can add friends on mozat if you know the
phone they use in registering or there ping pin.There is also a
Search bar that you can use to search for friends so as to affirm if
the pin or phone number belongs to your friend.

How to Add Friends on Mozat Using Ping Pin

===> Open the mozat application
===> Go to 'Chat'
===>click on 'menu'
===> Click on 'add friends'
===> select add pin and insert your friends pin.

How to add friends on mozat using Phone Number
===> Repeat step 1_4 above
===>select add by mobile number
===>add your friends phone number and click on add. Your friend will
get notified and you can start chatting with your friend once he
accepts the request.
The search categories allows you to search and add friends based on
the prefences you choose. You can search based on gender and those
that are online.
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