Facebook Name|How to Change Facebook Name After Limit Reached and Remove Limit

If you have reached the Facebook name limit for changing your name on Facebook and yet you still like to change it, here is how to change it.

1. You should remember at least 2 names you have previously used with your Facebook account. If you are the kind of person that changes name often, just make sure you remember 2 of this names and once you remember them, you can proceed to step 2

2. Click on the down arrow link on the homepage of your facebook account and click on Edit account

3. Change your Present Facebook name to one of the one;s you have previously used. For example, you current facebook name is Temiloluwa Johnson, and you youve previously used Teamealoluway Jeonsean, just edit the name and change it to the previously used one and save

4.Now click on Security at the left corner

5. Click ''Deactivate Account at the Bottom ( Dont Panic Your facebook account will not be deactivated)

6.A fly out will come out asking you the reason for leaving and click on ''My account was hacked"

7. A new box will appear telling you ''You can Secure your Account here""

8. Click on it and an you will see an option whereby you can use a new name for your facebook account even after you have reached the limit


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Now that you have read my post,do you have any addition or subtraction,if no then just tell me your name so that i can appreciate you.THANKS



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