Promotion of cpa offers is the most important thing when it comes cpa marketing. As a cpa marketer you must look for different methods of promoting your offers so that you can make a huge amount of money from it. Over the years, I have developed some free methods of cpa marketing that can get you a reasonable amount of money even on autopilot. Most of these methods does not
require any major investment except your time while others require depending on the niche you are and how much you want to make. The free methods I use in promoting cpa offers are
2. Article Marketing: This involves writing and submitting article to article directories with a link to your cpa offers at the end of the article. Once the article directory publishes the article, you start to get traffic to your cpa offers which you must have included the link at the author’s resource box. For more on how to use article marketing for cpa offers, see here for that
require any major investment except your time while others require depending on the niche you are and how much you want to make. The free methods I use in promoting cpa offers are
1. Blogging
2. Article Marketing
3. YouTube
4. Facebook Fanpage
The ones that require you to have some capital are
1. Blogging (Hosted)
2. Fiverr
3. Facebook ads and Adwords
Lets start with the free methods for promoting cpa offers
1. Blogging: This involves the use of s free blog or hub to drive traffic to your offers. For more information on how to make money on cpa from a blog see here
3. YouTube: this is one of the best methods for promoting cpa offers free of charge, it involves creating a video and get it uploaded to YouTube. You also include a link to your offers t the end of the video. If you are interested in this, click here for more tutorial on that
Methods for promoting cpa offers that requires capital are
1. Fiverr: Fiverr is a site where things are done for five dollars. There are a lot of people who are ready to help promote your offers using different techniques for just five dollars. This method is very fast but it can not be used on a long term basis except if you are ready to spend a lot of money.
2. Facebook and Google ADS: Facebook ads and Google ads are some other cool method of promoting offers. It involves applying for facebook ads and adwords to promote offers. This method can be very expensive and I do use them only when I know the offer pays a lot.
That’s how far we can go on how to promote Cpa offers online so as to make money online. In my subsequent, I will be going through how to promote cpa offers online. So always check back on my blog, so as to know when the tutorial is available, or better still, subscribe to my post so as to get informed once these posts are out, to subscribe click here.
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